KMEAN - Machine Learning Algorithm for Classification / Clustering Task in BIG data Analytics

Aim: Implement any one machine learning algorithm for classification / clustering task in BIG data Analytics - KMEAN

Steps for Execution:
sudo python

Pyhton Code:

import sys
import math
import random
import subprocess
def main():    
    # How many points are in our dataset?
    num_points = 10
    # For each of those points how many dimensions do they have?
    dimensions = 2    
    # Bounds for the values of those points in each dimension
    lower = 0
    upper = 200
    # The K in k-means. How many clusters do we assume exist?
    num_clusters = 3
    # When do we say the optimization has 'converged' and stop updating clusters
    opt_cutoff = 0.5
    # Generate some points
    points = [makeRandomPoint(dimensions, lower, upper) for i in xrange(num_points)]
    # Cluster those data!
    clusters = kmeans(points, num_clusters, opt_cutoff)
    # Print our clusters
    for i,c in enumerate(clusters):
        for p in c.points:
            print " Cluster: ", i, "\t Point :", p
class Point:
    An point in n dimensional space
    def __init__(self, coords):
        coords - A list of values, one per dimension
        self.coords = coords
        self.n = len(coords)
    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.coords)
class Cluster:
    A set of points and their centroid
    def __init__(self, points):
        points - A list of point objects
        if len(points) == 0: raise Exception("ILLEGAL: empty cluster")
        # The points that belong to this cluster
        self.points = points  
        # The dimensionality of the points in this cluster
        self.n = points[0].n
        # Assert that all points are of the same dimensionality
        for p in points:
            if p.n != self.n: raise Exception("ILLEGAL: wrong dimensions")
        # Set up the initial centroid (this is usually based off one point)
        self.centroid = self.calculateCentroid()
    def __repr__(self):
        String representation of this object
        return str(self.points)
    def update(self, points):
        Returns the distance between the previous centroid and the new after
        recalculating and storing the new centroid.
        old_centroid = self.centroid
        self.points = points
        self.centroid = self.calculateCentroid()
        shift = getDistance(old_centroid, self.centroid) 
        return shift
    def calculateCentroid(self):
        Finds a virtual center point for a group of n-dimensional points
        numPoints = len(self.points)
        # Get a list of all coordinates in this cluster
        coords = [p.coords for p in self.points]
        # Reformat that so all x's are together, all y'z etc.
        unzipped = zip(*coords)
        # Calculate the mean for each dimension
        centroid_coords = [math.fsum(dList)/numPoints for dList in unzipped]
        return Point(centroid_coords)
def kmeans(points, k, cutoff):
    # Pick out k random points to use as our initial centroids
    initial = random.sample(points, k)
    # Create k clusters using those centroids
    clusters = [Cluster([p]) for p in initial]
    # Loop through the dataset until the clusters stabilize
    loopCounter = 0
    while True:
        # Create a list of lists to hold the points in each cluster
        lists = [ [] for c in clusters]
        clusterCount = len(clusters)
        # Start counting loops
        loopCounter += 1
        # For every point in the dataset ...
        for p in points:
            # Get the distance between that point and the centroid of the first
            # cluster.
            smallest_distance = getDistance(p, clusters[0].centroid)
            # Set the cluster this point belongs to
            clusterIndex = 0
            # For the remainder of the clusters ...
            for i in range(clusterCount - 1):
                # calculate the distance of that point to each other cluster's
                # centroid.
                distance = getDistance(p, clusters[i+1].centroid)
                # If it's closer to that cluster's centroid update what we
                # think the smallest distance is, and set the point to belong
                # to that cluster
                if distance < smallest_distance:
                    smallest_distance = distance
                    clusterIndex = i+1
        # Set our biggest_shift to zero for this iteration
        biggest_shift = 0.0
        # As many times as there are clusters ...
        for i in range(clusterCount):
            # Calculate how far the centroid moved in this iteration
            shift = clusters[i].update(lists[i])
            # Keep track of the largest move from all cluster centroid updates
            biggest_shift = max(biggest_shift, shift)
        # If the centroids have stopped moving much, say we're done!
        if biggest_shift < cutoff:
            print "Converged after %s iterations" % loopCounter
    return clusters
def getDistance(a, b):
    ''' Euclidean distance between two n-dimensional points.
    Note: This can be very slow and does not scale well
    if a.n != b.n:
        raise Exception("ILLEGAL: non comparable points")
    ret = reduce(lambda x,y: x + pow((a.coords[y]-b.coords[y]), 2),range(a.n),0.0)
    return math.sqrt(ret)
def makeRandomPoint(n, lower, upper):
    '''Returns a Point object with n dimensions and values between lower and upper in each of those dimensions'''
    p = Point([random.uniform(lower, upper) for i in range(n)])
    return p
if __name__ == "__main__": 
