Distributed Systems Assignment - Software Laboratory 5

These are the assignments based on Distributed Systems Software Laboratory 5 for Information Technology BE Programming Laboratory Pune University.

Prerequisites: Operating System, Computer Networks and Web Engineering and Technology.

Course Objectives :
  1. To understand the fundamentals of distributed environment in complex application.
  2. To get comprehensive knowledge of the architecture of distributed systems.
  3. To make students aware about security issues and protection mechanism for distributed environment.
Course Outcomes : After completion of the subject, the students will be able to:
  1. Understand the principles on which the internet and other distributed systems are based.
  2. Understand and apply the basic theoretical concepts and algorithms of distributed systems in problem solving.

1. Design a distributed application using RMI for remote computation where client submits two strings to the server and server returns the concatenation of the given strings.

2. Design a distributed application using RPC for remote computation where client submits an integer value to the server and server calculates factorial and returns the result to the client program.

3. Design a distributed application using Message Passing Interface (MPI) for remote computation where client submits a string to the server and server returns the reverse of it to the client.

4. Design a distributed application which consist of a server and client using threads.

5. Design a distributed application using MapReduce under Hadoop for: a) Character counting in a given text file. b) Counting no. of occurrences of every word in a given text file.

6. Design a distributed application using MapReduce under Hadoop for finding maximum number in first and second columns in every line of a given text file.

7. Design and develop a distributed application to find the coolest/hottest year from the available weather data. Use weather data from the Internet and process it using MapReduce.

8. Design and develop a distributed Hotel booking application using Java RMI. A distributed hotel booking system consists of the hotel server and the client machines. The server manages hotel rooms booking information. A customer can invoke the following operations at his machine i) Book the room for the specific guest ii) Cancel the booking of a guest
