Design and develop a Distributed Hotel booking application using Java RMI.

Design and develop a distributed Hotel booking application using Java RMI. A distributed hotel booking system consists of the hotel server and the client  machines. The server manages hotel rooms booking information. A customer can invoke the following operations at his machine
i) Book the room for the specific guest
ii) Cancel the booking of a guest

Required files: Included with this document are all files needed to run this application. These files are:
  6. Connect.policy
  7. Rooms.txt
  8. rooms.txt 
Instructions to run Distributed Application: 

1. Compile all java files

javac *.java

2. Create Stub and Skeleton class file for RoomBookingServer

rmic RoomBookingServer

3. Run RMIC Registry

rmiregistry &

4. Run RoomBookingServer

java RoomBookingServer

5. In new terminal Run RoomBookingClient

java RoomBookingClient

Note: Make Sure that you are running the programs in same directory

Java Codes: 

1. In terminal gedit

import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;

class RoomBookingClient

    * This is the Client Class. It takes an input from the user, calls the methods available
    * to the client from the server class and gives an ouput depending on the operation performed.

    public static boolean validChoice = true;
    static String [] daysOfWeek = { "Monday   |", "Tuesday  |", "Wednesday|", "Thursday |" , "Friday   |" , "Saturday |" , "Sunday   |" };

    public static void main (String[] args)
        //System.setSecurityManager ( new RMISecurityManager ( ));  //set up the security manager
        //String name = "rmi://localhost:9999/RoomBookingSystem";   //connect on local host on port 9999
 String name="rmi://";
        RoomBookingInterface rbi =(RoomBookingInterface) Naming.lookup (name);

        rbi.initRooms();   //set up the room booking system

      while( validChoice != false )
        //A small command line interface for the user to use the system.
        System.out.println(" ");
        System.out.println("*********************Room Booking Service********************");
        System.out.println("                   Please select a service");
        System.out.println("1. List of all rooms.");
        System.out.println("2. Check availability of a room.");
        System.out.println("3. Book a room.");
        System.out.println("4. Display weekly timetable for a room.");

        //A buffered reader to allow input from the command line from the user.
        BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
        System.out.println("Select a number between 1 and 4, 0 to exit");
        String response = input.readLine();

        int i = Integer.parseInt(response);
        RoomList ListOfAllRooms = new RoomList(); //RoomList Object which stores
                                                        //a list of all the rooms available.

          switch (i)
              case 0: System.out.println("Goodbye");   //User has quit the application.
                      validChoice =false;

              case 1: System.out.println("");
                      System.out.println("The full list of rooms is as follows");
                      ListOfAllRooms = rbi.allRooms();  //Run the allRooms method which
                                                        //returns the list of all rooms.

                      for(int c = 0; c < 100; c++)        //Print the list.
                        if (ListOfAllRooms.RoomList[c] ==null)

              case 2: System.out.println("");
                      System.out.println("Check a room");
                      System.out.println("Enter the room name");
                      String check_room = input.readLine();

                      System.out.println("Enter the day - ");
       System.out.println("0=Mon , 1=Tues, 3=Wed ,4=Thurs , 5=Fri, 6=Sat, 7=Sun");
                      String check_day = input.readLine();
                      int real_day = Integer.parseInt(check_day);

                      System.out.println("Enter the start time - ");
       System.out.println("0=8am , 1=9am , 2=10am , 3=11am , 4=12pm , 5=1pm , 6=2pm , 7=3pm , 8=4pm , 9=5pm , 10=6pm , 11= 7pm");
                      String check_time = input.readLine();
                      int real_time = Integer.parseInt(check_time);

                      //This checks whether a room is available given the room name, day and time.
                      String temp = rbi.checkRoom(check_room,real_day,real_time);

              case 3: System.out.println("Room Booking Service - Rooms can be booked from 8am to 8pm");
       System.out.println("Time slots go from 0 for 8am up to 11 for 7pm - Enter a value in this range");
                      System.out.println("Enter the room name");
                      String book_room = input.readLine();

                      System.out.println("Enter the day -"); 
       System.out.println("0=Mon , 1=Tues, 3=Wed ,4=Thurs , 5=Fri, 6=Sat, 7=Sun");
                      String book_day = input.readLine();
                      int real_day2 = Integer.parseInt(book_day);

                      System.out.println("Enter the start time -"); 
       System.out.println("0=8am , 1=9am , 2=10am , 3=11am , 4=12pm , 5=1pm , 6=2pm , 7=3pm , 8=4pm , 9=5pm , 10=6pm , 11= 7pm");
                      String book_time = input.readLine();
                      int realb_time = Integer.parseInt(book_time);

                      //This checks whether a room is available, if it is it then reserves the room.
                      String resp = rbi.bookRoom(book_room,real_day2,realb_time);

              case 4: System.out.println("Enter the Room name");
                      String Room1 = new String();
                      Room1  = input.readLine();

                      //This checks the timetable for a room. A 2D array containing
                      //the timetable is returned from the server.
       System.out.println("TimeSlot | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11");
                      int rtt [][]=(int[][])rbi.roomTimeTable(Room1).clone();
                      for(int f=0;f<7;f++)

                        for(int j=0;j<12;j++)
                          System.out.print(" ");

       System.out.println(" ");
       System.out.println("The key to start times is as follows... ");
       System.out.println("0 = 8am , 1 = 9am , 2 = 10am , 3 = 11am , 4 = 12pm , 5 = 1pm , 6 = 2pm , 7 = 3pm , 8 = 4pm , 9 = 5pm , 10 = 6pm , 11 = 7pm");
              catch(Exception e)
                 System.err.println("Sorry but you have entered one of the fields incorrectly, Please try again ");
    catch (Exception ex)
      System.err.println (ex);

2. In terminal gedit

import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;

class RoomBookingServer extends UnicastRemoteObject implements RoomBookingInterface

 * This is the Server Class. It contains the working methods which can be used by the client.

  protected int day;
  protected int time;
  protected int room;
  protected String str = new String();

  public String RoomListTemp [] = new String [100];       //Temporary store for list of rooms
  public String temp = new String();
  public Room RoomArray[] = new Room[100];                  //Array of Room Objects

  RoomList tempList = new RoomList();

  public RoomBookingServer ( ) throws RemoteException
    super ( );

  * This method is called once by the client when the application starts. It reads
  * in the input from the text file and creates an Object for each room with the
  * name and capacity that was specified in the file.

  public void initRooms() throws RemoteException
    String record = null;
    String tempRoom = null;
    String tempCap = null;

    int recCount = 0;
    int num;
    int capacity;

      //This reads in the text from the file and uses that to create the
      //Room Objects. The name is specified first in the text file and the
      //capacity is specified last. This is manipulated in order to take in
      //these parameters when creating the Rooms.

      BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("Rooms.txt"));
      while((record = b.readLine()) != null)
        num = (record.lastIndexOf (" ", record.length ())) + 1;
        tempRoom = record.substring (0,num -1);                 //Reads in the Room name from file

        tempCap = record.substring  (num,record.length ());
        capacity = Integer.parseInt(tempCap);                   //Reads in the capacity from file

        RoomArray[recCount] = new Room(tempRoom, capacity);     //Fills the array with the created Objects.
        recCount ++;
      b.close();    //close the input stream.

    } catch (IOException e)
        System.out.println("Error!" +e.getMessage());

  * This method is used to return the list of rooms and there capacity to the client.
  * It returns a RoomList Object which contains the arrayList of Rooms. The Client
  * can then retrieve a full list of rooms.

  public RoomList allRooms() throws RemoteException
      BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("rooms.txt"));  //read in the text file.
      if((str = in.readLine()) != null)
        tempList.RoomList[0] = str;
        for (int i = 1; i< 100; i++)
          if((str = in.readLine()) != null)
            tempList.RoomList[i] = str;
    catch (IOException e)
    return tempList;

  * This method takes in a string and then compares that string with the name of each Object
  * in the array of Rooms. If it finds the room it returns the index, -1 otherwise.

  public int compareRoom(String str)
    for(int i=0; i< RoomArray.length; i++)
      if(RoomArray[i].name.equals (str))
        return i;
    return -1;

  * This method is used to check whether a room is available or not. Firstly it checks
  * for the room in the array, if it finds it it then checks whether the requested
  * time slot on the requested day is available. It returns a string to the client
  * depending on the value of the timeslot.

  public String checkRoom(String r ,int day , int startTime) throws RemoteException
    int i = compareRoom(r);
    if (RoomArray[i].slotAvailable(day, startTime) == true) //calls methos available to Room Object
      String s = "Room is available for booking";
      return s;
      String s = "Sorry the room is not available for booking";
      return s;

  * This method is used to book a Room. Again it checks whether the slot is available and depending
  * on the result it reserves that slot and informs the client or it informs them that
  * the slot has already been reserved.

  public String bookRoom(String r, int day , int startTime) throws RemoteException
    int i = compareRoom(r);

    if (RoomArray[i].slotAvailable(day, startTime) == true)
      String s = "Room has been successfully booked.";
      return s;
      String s = "Sorry but the Room has already been booked.";
      return s;

  * This method is used to calculate the timetable for each room. It returns relevant
  * the 2D array to the client displaying the weekly timetable for the requested room.

  public int [][] roomTimeTable(String room) throws RemoteException
    int i;
    System.out.println("TimeTable" + room);
    for ( i = 0; i< RoomArray.length; i++)
        return RoomArray[i].daySlot;
        System.out.println("Searching for the room");

    return RoomArray[i].daySlot;

  //Main Method
  public static void main (String[] args)
      RoomBookingServer server = new RoomBookingServer ();
      //String name = "rmi://localhost:9999/RoomBookingSystem";
     // Naming.bind (name, server);
 String name = "RoomBookingSystem";
 Naming.bind (name, server);
      System.out.println (name + " is running");
    catch (Exception ex)
      System.err.println (ex);

3. In terminal gedit

import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;

* This is the interface, it contains the 5 methods which the Client can use.

public interface RoomBookingInterface extends Remote
  public void initRooms() throws RemoteException;
  public RoomList allRooms () throws RemoteException;
  public String checkRoom (String r, int day , int startTime) throws RemoteException;
  public String bookRoom (String r, int day , int startTime) throws RemoteException;
  public int[][] roomTimeTable (String room) throws RemoteException;

4. In terminal gedit

import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;

class Room implements Serializable
    * This is the Room class. Each Room Object has a name and a capacity. It also
    * contains a 7 * 12 array which represents the 7 days of the week and the
    * 12 hours between 8 am and 8pm(The valid hours for booking a room).

    int daySlot[][] = new int[7][12]; //represents days and hours

    String name;
    int capacity;

    public Room(String n , int cap) //constructor that sets all slots to zero - unbooked
    { =n;
      this.capacity = cap;

      for (int i=0; i<7; i++)
        for (int j=0; j<11; j++)
            this.daySlot[i][j] = 0;

    * This Method is used to check whether a particular timeslot on a particular day
    * has already been booked. If the slot contains a 1 then it has already been booked.
    * If it contains a 0 then it is available. The method returns a true or false value.

    public boolean slotAvailable(int day, int slot)
      if (daySlot[day][slot] == 1)
        return false;
        return true;

    * This Method is used to book a slot. It sets the relevant slot to a 1.

    public void book(int day , int slot)
      this.daySlot[day][slot] = 1;

5. In terminal gedit

import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;

class RoomList implements Serializable 
 public String RoomList [] = new String [100];
 //contains an array which holds the maximun number of rooms. To allow for
 //more rooms just increase the size of this array.

6. In terminal gedit rooms.txt

Room1 1
Room2 2
Room3 3
Room4 4

7. In terminal gedit Rooms.txt

Room1 1
Room2 2
Room3 3
Room4 4


Room Booking System using Java RMI
Room Booking System using Java RMI

Room Booking System using Java RMI
Room Booking System using Java RMI
