Design and develop a distributed Hotel booking application using Java RMI. A distributed hotel booking system consists of the hotel server and the client machines. The server manages hotel rooms booking information. A customer can invoke the following operations at his machine
i) Book the room for the specific guest
ii) Cancel the booking of a guest
Required files: Included with this document are all files needed to run this application. These files are:
1. Compile all java files
2. Create Stub and Skeleton class file for RoomBookingServer
3. Run RMIC Registry
4. Run RoomBookingServer
5. In new terminal Run RoomBookingClient
Note: Make Sure that you are running the programs in same directory
Java Codes:
1. In terminal
2. In terminal
3. In terminal
4. In terminal
5. In terminal
6. In terminal
7. In terminal
i) Book the room for the specific guest
ii) Cancel the booking of a guest
Required files: Included with this document are all files needed to run this application. These files are:
- Connect.policy
- Rooms.txt
- rooms.txt
1. Compile all java files
javac *.java
2. Create Stub and Skeleton class file for RoomBookingServer
rmic RoomBookingServer
3. Run RMIC Registry
rmiregistry &
4. Run RoomBookingServer
java RoomBookingServer
5. In new terminal Run RoomBookingClient
java RoomBookingClient
Note: Make Sure that you are running the programs in same directory
Java Codes:
1. In terminal
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
class RoomBookingClient
* This is the Client Class. It takes an input from the user, calls the methods available
* to the client from the server class and gives an ouput depending on the operation performed.
public static boolean validChoice = true;
static String [] daysOfWeek = { "Monday |", "Tuesday |", "Wednesday|", "Thursday |" , "Friday |" , "Saturday |" , "Sunday |" };
public static void main (String[] args)
//System.setSecurityManager ( new RMISecurityManager ( )); //set up the security manager
//String name = "rmi://localhost:9999/RoomBookingSystem"; //connect on local host on port 9999
String name="rmi://";
RoomBookingInterface rbi =(RoomBookingInterface) Naming.lookup (name);
rbi.initRooms(); //set up the room booking system
while( validChoice != false )
//A small command line interface for the user to use the system.
System.out.println(" ");
System.out.println("*********************Room Booking Service********************");
System.out.println(" Please select a service");
System.out.println("1. List of all rooms.");
System.out.println("2. Check availability of a room.");
System.out.println("3. Book a room.");
System.out.println("4. Display weekly timetable for a room.");
//A buffered reader to allow input from the command line from the user.
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
System.out.println("Select a number between 1 and 4, 0 to exit");
String response = input.readLine();
int i = Integer.parseInt(response);
RoomList ListOfAllRooms = new RoomList(); //RoomList Object which stores
//a list of all the rooms available.
switch (i)
case 0: System.out.println("Goodbye"); //User has quit the application.
validChoice =false;
case 1: System.out.println("");
System.out.println("The full list of rooms is as follows");
ListOfAllRooms = rbi.allRooms(); //Run the allRooms method which
//returns the list of all rooms.
for(int c = 0; c < 100; c++) //Print the list.
if (ListOfAllRooms.RoomList[c] ==null)
case 2: System.out.println("");
System.out.println("Check a room");
System.out.println("Enter the room name");
String check_room = input.readLine();
System.out.println("Enter the day - ");
System.out.println("0=Mon , 1=Tues, 3=Wed ,4=Thurs , 5=Fri, 6=Sat, 7=Sun");
String check_day = input.readLine();
int real_day = Integer.parseInt(check_day);
System.out.println("Enter the start time - ");
System.out.println("0=8am , 1=9am , 2=10am , 3=11am , 4=12pm , 5=1pm , 6=2pm , 7=3pm , 8=4pm , 9=5pm , 10=6pm , 11= 7pm");
String check_time = input.readLine();
int real_time = Integer.parseInt(check_time);
//This checks whether a room is available given the room name, day and time.
String temp = rbi.checkRoom(check_room,real_day,real_time);
case 3: System.out.println("Room Booking Service - Rooms can be booked from 8am to 8pm");
System.out.println("Time slots go from 0 for 8am up to 11 for 7pm - Enter a value in this range");
System.out.println("Enter the room name");
String book_room = input.readLine();
System.out.println("Enter the day -");
System.out.println("0=Mon , 1=Tues, 3=Wed ,4=Thurs , 5=Fri, 6=Sat, 7=Sun");
String book_day = input.readLine();
int real_day2 = Integer.parseInt(book_day);
System.out.println("Enter the start time -");
System.out.println("0=8am , 1=9am , 2=10am , 3=11am , 4=12pm , 5=1pm , 6=2pm , 7=3pm , 8=4pm , 9=5pm , 10=6pm , 11= 7pm");
String book_time = input.readLine();
int realb_time = Integer.parseInt(book_time);
//This checks whether a room is available, if it is it then reserves the room.
String resp = rbi.bookRoom(book_room,real_day2,realb_time);
case 4: System.out.println("Enter the Room name");
String Room1 = new String();
Room1 = input.readLine();
//This checks the timetable for a room. A 2D array containing
//the timetable is returned from the server.
System.out.println("TimeSlot | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11");
int rtt [][]=(int[][])rbi.roomTimeTable(Room1).clone();
for(int f=0;f<7;f++)
for(int j=0;j<12;j++)
System.out.print(" ");
System.out.println(" ");
System.out.println("The key to start times is as follows... ");
System.out.println("0 = 8am , 1 = 9am , 2 = 10am , 3 = 11am , 4 = 12pm , 5 = 1pm , 6 = 2pm , 7 = 3pm , 8 = 4pm , 9 = 5pm , 10 = 6pm , 11 = 7pm");
catch(Exception e)
System.err.println("Sorry but you have entered one of the fields incorrectly, Please try again ");
catch (Exception ex)
System.err.println (ex);
2. In terminal
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
class RoomBookingServer extends UnicastRemoteObject implements RoomBookingInterface
* This is the Server Class. It contains the working methods which can be used by the client.
protected int day;
protected int time;
protected int room;
protected String str = new String();
public String RoomListTemp [] = new String [100]; //Temporary store for list of rooms
public String temp = new String();
public Room RoomArray[] = new Room[100]; //Array of Room Objects
RoomList tempList = new RoomList();
public RoomBookingServer ( ) throws RemoteException
super ( );
* This method is called once by the client when the application starts. It reads
* in the input from the text file and creates an Object for each room with the
* name and capacity that was specified in the file.
public void initRooms() throws RemoteException
String record = null;
String tempRoom = null;
String tempCap = null;
int recCount = 0;
int num;
int capacity;
//This reads in the text from the file and uses that to create the
//Room Objects. The name is specified first in the text file and the
//capacity is specified last. This is manipulated in order to take in
//these parameters when creating the Rooms.
BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("Rooms.txt"));
while((record = b.readLine()) != null)
num = (record.lastIndexOf (" ", record.length ())) + 1;
tempRoom = record.substring (0,num -1); //Reads in the Room name from file
tempCap = record.substring (num,record.length ());
capacity = Integer.parseInt(tempCap); //Reads in the capacity from file
RoomArray[recCount] = new Room(tempRoom, capacity); //Fills the array with the created Objects.
recCount ++;
b.close(); //close the input stream.
} catch (IOException e)
System.out.println("Error!" +e.getMessage());
* This method is used to return the list of rooms and there capacity to the client.
* It returns a RoomList Object which contains the arrayList of Rooms. The Client
* can then retrieve a full list of rooms.
public RoomList allRooms() throws RemoteException
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("rooms.txt")); //read in the text file.
if((str = in.readLine()) != null)
tempList.RoomList[0] = str;
for (int i = 1; i< 100; i++)
if((str = in.readLine()) != null)
tempList.RoomList[i] = str;
catch (IOException e)
return tempList;
* This method takes in a string and then compares that string with the name of each Object
* in the array of Rooms. If it finds the room it returns the index, -1 otherwise.
public int compareRoom(String str)
for(int i=0; i< RoomArray.length; i++)
if(RoomArray[i].name.equals (str))
return i;
return -1;
* This method is used to check whether a room is available or not. Firstly it checks
* for the room in the array, if it finds it it then checks whether the requested
* time slot on the requested day is available. It returns a string to the client
* depending on the value of the timeslot.
public String checkRoom(String r ,int day , int startTime) throws RemoteException
int i = compareRoom(r);
if (RoomArray[i].slotAvailable(day, startTime) == true) //calls methos available to Room Object
String s = "Room is available for booking";
return s;
String s = "Sorry the room is not available for booking";
return s;
* This method is used to book a Room. Again it checks whether the slot is available and depending
* on the result it reserves that slot and informs the client or it informs them that
* the slot has already been reserved.
public String bookRoom(String r, int day , int startTime) throws RemoteException
int i = compareRoom(r);
if (RoomArray[i].slotAvailable(day, startTime) == true)
String s = "Room has been successfully booked.";
return s;
String s = "Sorry but the Room has already been booked.";
return s;
* This method is used to calculate the timetable for each room. It returns relevant
* the 2D array to the client displaying the weekly timetable for the requested room.
public int [][] roomTimeTable(String room) throws RemoteException
int i;
System.out.println("TimeTable" + room);
for ( i = 0; i< RoomArray.length; i++)
return RoomArray[i].daySlot;
System.out.println("Searching for the room");
return RoomArray[i].daySlot;
//Main Method
public static void main (String[] args)
RoomBookingServer server = new RoomBookingServer ();
//String name = "rmi://localhost:9999/RoomBookingSystem";
// Naming.bind (name, server);
String name = "RoomBookingSystem";
Naming.bind (name, server);
System.out.println (name + " is running");
catch (Exception ex)
System.err.println (ex);
3. In terminal
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
* This is the interface, it contains the 5 methods which the Client can use.
public interface RoomBookingInterface extends Remote
public void initRooms() throws RemoteException;
public RoomList allRooms () throws RemoteException;
public String checkRoom (String r, int day , int startTime) throws RemoteException;
public String bookRoom (String r, int day , int startTime) throws RemoteException;
public int[][] roomTimeTable (String room) throws RemoteException;
4. In terminal
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
class Room implements Serializable
* This is the Room class. Each Room Object has a name and a capacity. It also
* contains a 7 * 12 array which represents the 7 days of the week and the
* 12 hours between 8 am and 8pm(The valid hours for booking a room).
int daySlot[][] = new int[7][12]; //represents days and hours
String name;
int capacity;
public Room(String n , int cap) //constructor that sets all slots to zero - unbooked
{ =n;
this.capacity = cap;
for (int i=0; i<7; i++)
for (int j=0; j<11; j++)
this.daySlot[i][j] = 0;
* This Method is used to check whether a particular timeslot on a particular day
* has already been booked. If the slot contains a 1 then it has already been booked.
* If it contains a 0 then it is available. The method returns a true or false value.
public boolean slotAvailable(int day, int slot)
if (daySlot[day][slot] == 1)
return false;
return true;
* This Method is used to book a slot. It sets the relevant slot to a 1.
public void book(int day , int slot)
this.daySlot[day][slot] = 1;
5. In terminal
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
class RoomList implements Serializable
public String RoomList [] = new String [100];
//contains an array which holds the maximun number of rooms. To allow for
//more rooms just increase the size of this array.
6. In terminal
gedit rooms.txt
Room1 1
Room2 2
Room3 3
Room4 4
7. In terminal
gedit Rooms.txt
Room1 1
Room2 2
Room3 3
Room4 4
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Room Booking System using Java RMI |
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Room Booking System using Java RMI |
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