These are the assignments based on Fundamental of Data Structures for Information Technology SE Programming Laboratory Pune University.
- Represent sets using one dimensional arrays and implement functions to performi) union ii) intersection, iii) difference, iv) symmetric difference of two sets.
- Represent matrix using two dimensional arrays and perform following operations:i) Addition using pointers ii) multiplication without pointers iii) transpose using pointers
- Implement following operations on string with using pointersi) Length ii) Palindrome iii) String comparison iv) Copy v) Reverse vi) Substring
- Implement following operations on string without using pointers i) Length ii) Palindrome iii) String comparison iv) Copy v) Reverse vi) Substring
- Create a Database using array of structures and perform following operations on it:i) Create Database ii) Display Database iii) Add record iv) Search a record v) Modify arecords. vi) Delete a record.
- a) Sort the set of strings in ascending order using Bubble sort and descending order by usingSelection sort.b) Search for particular string using binary search
- a) Write C program to implement TYPE and COPY commands of DOS using cormnand line arguments.
b) Find out number of characters, words, spaces and sentences form a file and write result in another file. - Implement Quick Sort recursively to sort the given list of numbers/records. Display pivot position and its corresponding list in each pass.
- Represent sparse matrix using two dimensional array or structure and perform simple and fast transpose
- Implement a singly linked list with following options i) Insertion of a node at any location ii) Deletion of a node from any location iii) display a list iv) Display in reverse v) Reverse the list without using additional data structure.
- Implement polynomial using CLL and perform i) Addition of Polynomials ii) Multiplication of polynomials and iii) Evaluation of polynomial.
- 11. Implement any database using doubly linked list with following optionsi) Insert a record ii) delete a record iii) modify a record iii) Display list forward, d) Display listbackward
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