Cyber Laws and Information Security Programs and Assignment (Pune University)

These are Cyber Laws and Information Security Assignments for Information Technology BE Software Laboratory of Pune University. These Programs are created in C/C++/Java with source code available.

    Section A Programming
  1. Write program in C++ or Java to implement RSA algorithm for key generation andcipher verification
  2. Develop and program in C++ or Java based on number theory such as Chineseremainder or Extended Euclidean algorithm. ( Or any other to illustrate numbertheory for security)
  3. Write program in C++ or Java to implement Diffie Hellman key exchange algorithm.
    Section B Cryptography Library ( API )
  1. Write a program in C++, C# or Java to implement RSA algorithm using Libraries(API).
  2. Write a program in C++, C# or Java to implement SHA-1 algorithm using Libraries(API).
    Section C Security Tools (Minimum one)
  1. Configure and demonstrate use of IDS tool such as snort.
  2. Configure and demonstrate use of vulnerability assessment tool such as NESSUS
  3. Implement web security with Open SSL tool kit


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